Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP Therapy for Hair) Restoration in Miami (Aventura), FL


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP Therapy for Hair) Restoration in Miami (Aventura), FL

PRP Therapy For Hair

PRP is considered to be “Liquid Gold” that can do miracles. Hair loss or thinning can have a major impact on your self-confidence, especially considering 40 percent of those struggling with hair loss are women. Thick, luscious hair is often associated with youth, femininity, and masculinity. There are many reasons for causes of hair loss including genetics, stress, hormonal changes, and autoimmune diseases, but treatment for thinning hair or a receding hairline has been difficult in the past. PRP, or Platelet-Rich Plasma, is an effective treatment that can effectively stimulate hair growth. But also using the correct kit and right medical device makes all the difference also. We only use FDA approved PRP therapy kits with a FDA cleared Medical device called Emcyte Centrifuge. This is a high quality German device that will give you very high platelet count.

What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) comes from a patients’ blood, the doctor draws the blood and separates the plasma from it using a PRP kit that is FDA approved and spins it in a FDA cleared device approved for PRP. that has been enriched with platelets. PRP is rich in growth factors, so when PRP is applied to the scalp it can contribute to hair growth.


How is PRP made?

Platelets for PRP are made from the patient’s own blood. It is similar to a patient donating his or her blood before a surgical procedure. This is what the process entails.

· First, blood is withdrawn from the patient into tubes.

· Next, the blood is placed in a centrifuge and is spun around.

· The centrifuge process concentrates the red and white blood cells and platelets in different levels in the tubes. Blood plasma that is rich in platelets is taken out and is readied for the application process.

How is PRP used for hair restoration?

After PRP is made, it is injected into the scalp where the hair is thinning, so it can trigger the body’s natural healing instincts.

Research indicates that PRP promotes hair growth by stimulating hair follicle growth cells. The platelet growth factors induce follicle growth cells to shift from a dormant state to an active state, and that starts the process of hair growth.

Who are good candidates for PRP for hair restoration?

PRP for hair restoration is best for patients whose hair is starting to thin and loose hair. Even patients that want better results from a hair transplant, can see great results.

Patients who have active infection on the scalp, diabetes, and are on blood thinning medications are not good candidates for PRP.

Contact us at 305-934-9149 or go to Miami Aesthetic Institute for a complimentary  PRP consultation in Miami (Aventura), FL.



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Dr. Nina G., MD.

Dr. Nina G. is a board certified Anti-Aging and Cellular Regenerative Medicine Doctor and the top aesthetic specialist in Miami.

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