TruSculpt ID: Innovation in Body Sculpting

TruSculpt ID: Innovation in Body Sculpting

TruSculpt ID Miami

TruSculpt ID is the new innovative body sculpting technology created by Cultera. But, before we go on discussing about TruSculpt ID, what does it do and why do you need it, let us first go to why people want to lose weight and why other treatments and strategies failed. This will lead us to the topic of what TruSculpt ID really is and why TruSculpt ID would be your best choice.

Why lose weight?

Many people around the world are dreaming of the perfect body shape. A lot of these people went through a lot just to achieve this dream of them. These people will do anything, literally anything to become the person they wanted to see in the mirror.

One of the main reason why people want to lose weight is because of APPEARANCE. This is the main reason why most people wanted to get rid of those fats and have a well-built body. They wanted to look good in the mirror. They wanted to avoid discrimination and bullying because of their size. They wanted to look good to boost their confidence so that they will be able to do the things they wanted to do.

Other reason is because of their HEALTH. On a survey conducted in 2007, 50% of the participant cited that health improvement is their main reason why they wanted to lose weight. People want to live longer, and by being healthy you need to watch your weight.

What do people do?

In the early years, people go extra miles to lose the annoying body fat present in their body. Some of them went to a rigorous diet routine, some even will not eat for days just to lessen the food intake of their body. Some people went to the gym and do training programs to achieve a fit and well-built body.

Many gyms were built, many people go to this gym to achieve their goal. Many people go to nutritionist to ask for guidance for their calorie intake, asking for a plan balanced diet. They do this to have a healthy and good looking body.

Why most people fail?

In general, those ways in losing body fat are very much great but only for those people who has time, who has the freedom to use their time for those stuffs. Some of us wanted to lose weight and wanted to get rid of the annoying fats in our body in an alternative way rather than going to the gym or having to go with a balanced diet everyday.

But, a lot of people failed to achieve this goal. Why? Here are some reasons why most of them failed to lose weight and failed to achieved their New Year’s resolution. One of it is setting unrealistic goals, others include eating emotionally, hating their selves, failing to nourish their bodies, underlying physiological issues.

And some people just do not have the chance to go to the gym or to go with a balanced diet. Some people cannot go to the gym, they might have problems with their time schedule or have health problems that deprived them from doing such activities. Some people also cannot have the chance for a balance diet, it might because of some problems involving their health or other things.

What are the alternative ways?

Due to the advances of technology, everything seems all convenient for us including losing weight. Professionals research about the other ways to lose weight. They used technology as the means to do it and that is why surgical treatments were created.

The most famous surgical treatment to lose weight is the Liposuction. Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure used to remove unwanted body fat. It involves sucking out small areas of fat that are hard to lose through exercise and a healthy diet. It is carried out on areas of the body where deposits of fat tend to collect, such as the buttocks, hips, thighs, and tummy.

Why isn’t this enough?

Not all of those people have the guts to go through the process of liposuction. People are afraid of the process. Some are not comfortable of the thought of being in that situation. People still find other means to remove those unwanted body fat and lose weight.

What do we have now?

Due to this scenario, professionals seek solution once again and ended up finding CoolSculpting and TruSculpt. These two are types of nonsurgical and noninvasive body sculpting.

There is a drastic difference which leads people to use and undergo the nonsurgical body sculpting/contouring rather than the surgical treatment. Invasiveness is the main reason why people go for nonsurgical body sculpting/contouring treatments because it is gentle with minimal discomfort both during and after treatment. Another main reason is the downtime. Nonsurgical body sculpting/contouring treatments has a low downtime compared to surgical treatments. The healing process time is very short for nonsurgical body sculpting/contouring treatment compared to surgical treatment and patients can return to normal activities immediately after the treatment.

But in this article, we will focus on TruSculpt especially the newest innovation of Cutera, the TruSculpt ID.

TruSculpt ID: What is it?

Trusculpt ID provides a personalized, hands-free and hand-held solution for your problem. This powerful, noninvasive, monopolar RF platform is made to suit individual needs. It features real-time temperature control for proven results and for patient’s safety. TruSculpt ID treats the whole fat layer and will result to an average of 24% fat reduction. It is very convenient to use with a customized 15-minute protocols to treat multiple body areas simultaneously. TruSculpt ID’s system versatility makes it a customized treatments on patients’ need in as little as one 15-minute treatment protocol.


TruSculpt ID delivers heat to the entire fat layer while regulating the temperature felt by the skin. It will just feel like being massage by a hot stone.


Yes, you read that right. After 12 weeks of TruSculpt ID treatment, there will be 24% fat reduction.

FAT-HEAT Selectivity

TruSculpt ID optimizes the delivery of heat and is selective on the apoptosis of the subcutaneous adipose tissue.


24% of fat cells will be reduced on your body and this will be removed and excreted naturally by the body after the 12-week treatment.


No two individuals are exactly alike and TruSculpt ID acknowledges this concept. The TruSculpt ID system is designed to match with the individual differences to ensure a consistent solution with different types of people.

You can treat multiple body areas simultaneously with TruSculpt ID system.


TruSculpt is very easy to use and for 15 minutes your job is done.


With TruSculpt ID, you do not have to attached a lot of equipment on your body or place your body on a large container. TruSculpt ID is hands-free and hand-held. It is very convenient to use and you can use it anywhere (as long as you want).

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