Trusculpt vs. Sculpsure: A Guide To Body Contouring Treatments


Trusculpt vs. Sculpsure: A Guide To Body Contouring Treatments

Trusculpt vs. Sculpsure [Complete Guide – Updated]

Sometimes, no matter how much you exercise and how healthy your diet is, there are parts of your body that don’t look and feel the way you want them to.

Whether you’ve lost tons of weight or you’ve always been fit and muscular, you might have those unwanted areas with that bit of extra fat that you can’t seem to get rid of: the lower abdomen, thighs, bra fat, and almost everywhere that triggers the weighing scale.

Of course, we understand. We’re all beautiful no matter what kind of body type we have, but sometimes we want to achieve that healthy body that you always see on TV.

And there’s no shame in that.

Getting rid of these problem areas can feel impossible.

No matter how much you work out, they refuse to go away, especially as we age.

But when it comes to these annoying bulges, sagging skin, and unwanted pockets of fat, there are non-invasive ways to reduce them.

Body contouring might be the solution

These treatments can help you get rid of unwanted areas of fat that don’t make the cut for plastic surgery, but which are still noticeable regardless of how much energy you put into your daily exercise.

Body contouring is not only one of the most talked about topics on different media outlets; it has helped a lot of people achieve their body goal and has also become an increasingly sought-out cosmetic treatment.

So we thought we could also help create your own success story by putting together this informative guide to body contouring devices to help you make the best decisions.

As you’ll see, the best treatment for you depends on exactly what you want to achieve.

But we’ve made it easier to decide between some of the most popular techniques—SculpSure and TruSculpt—by talking pros, cons, and everything in between.

What is SculpSure?

SculpSure is a breakthrough in body contouring treatments designed to reduce stubborn fat.

It is a heat-generating laser that focuses explicitly on the fat layer without causing burning or redness to the overlying skin.

It uses very advanced hot and cold laser technology to destroy the fat, making it a lot easier to adjust the patient’s discomfort.

Caution: SculpSure Can Cause Severe Burns

Sculpsure is known for being a painful treatment.

The temperature can get very hot, and can leave marks or blisters on the skin.

This procedure is not recommended for those with low pain tolerance.


It’s now the exclusive body contouring treatment for a lot of brands and turns out to be even more versatile as the technology gets better and better, precisely because of the debut of a new handpiece to target smaller treatment areas and smaller bulges.

During SculpSure treatments, there is warmth and coolness that emanates from the applicators, but neither at extreme temperatures, which makes it the ideal comfort level for patients.

The 25-minute procedure promises permanent results, and although there are also instances where there is minor discomfort that some patients experience during the treatment.

The vast majority find it completely pain-free, though technicians can adjust the handpieces if there is a need.

Most patients with small to moderately sized areas of treatment will have a reduction with just one session, especially if the bulge is small.

Larger areas require two, possibly three treatments.

The number of procedures depends on how much fat is in question and needs to be treated.

Individuals’ results actually depend on the patient’s body mass, but it promises up to 24% reduction in fat may be seen with each treatment, which can be seen six weeks after treatment.

For full results, patients may have to wait for a while because it will take up to three months. Treatments are done six weeks apart.

What is TruSculpt?

The TruSculpt treatment is the first ever treatment on the market that can treat people with a body mass index of 30 or above, and that’s by far an impressive standing.

One of its remarkable procedure is the heating of fat cells using mono-polar radio frequency until unnecessary fat is pulverized and can be naturally eliminated by your body.

According to the brand, patient data shows an average of 24-percent fat reduction after just one treatment.

The also claims you can see results right away, with the full impact of the procedure showing by the 12-week mark.

TruSculpt is quite similar to other noninvasive fat treatments but with some key differences.

It is probably most similar to SculpSure in terms of the method — both treatments heat fat cells in order to destroy them.

One potential side benefits TruSculpt offers over some of the other body contouring options on the market is its ability to lighten your skin.

There will be some skin tightening since the radio frequency energy heats the deeper layers of the skin as well as targeting the fat.

The initial result will be fat reduction; however, there is also an improvement in the skin texture and tone.

There can be a reduction in the appearance of cellulite as well.

Trusculpt VS Sculpsure

SculpSure uses a laser to accomplish this while TruSculpt iD uses a proprietary radio frequency technology; instead of just targeting the middle layer of fat cells between your skin and muscles, it can easily tap from just below the surface of your skin and make its way into the muscle layer.

A significant criticism of SculpSure is that the heating process can be painful, so if you have a low pain tolerance or sensitive skin, you might not be able to withstand the 25-minute treatment along with the many processes; TruSculpt treatments take 15 minutes so that it might be more tolerable.

Furthermore, studies show TruSculpt in miami might also be more productive — a clinical study of SculpSure shows that it only reduces about 11 percent of fat.

Weight loss is one of the toughest battles you can take on alone.

That’s why there are so many diet plans, surgical procedures, and guides out there.

But surgery is not for everyone.

Some people have very sensitive immune systems or blood conditions that may prevent them from undergoing major invasive surgery.

There are also limitations with certain physical body types that may also disqualify people from surgery.

Non-surgical body contouring can work for every size, shape or weight loss that a person tries to achieve.

If you’re interested in trying body contouring for yourself, but don’t know where to start, let us help you.

Let us help you make your dream body become a reality!

Get your free Fat Reduction consultation today at Miami Aesthetic Institute.



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Dr. Nina G., MD.

Dr. Nina G. is a board certified Anti-Aging and Cellular Regenerative Medicine Doctor and the top aesthetic specialist in Miami.

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